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What is the Bowhunter Class? (Red Stakes)
- Stabilizers 12" or less
- Fixed pin sights or adjustable pin sights
- Max Yardage: 40 yards +/-10%
- Same for both Men's and Women's Bowhunter class.
What is the Open Class? (White Stakes)
- Stabilizers over 12" in length
- Sights with a lens or magnification
- Max Yardage: 50 yards +/-10%
- Same for Men's and Women's Open classes
What is the Traditional Class? (Blue Stakes)
- No sights
- No stabilizers
- Recurve or longbow
- Compounds with no sights or stabilizers may shoot in this class
- Max Yardage: 25 yards +/-10%
- Same for both men & women
What is the Youth Class? (Yellow Stakes)
- Age 11-16
- Any bow of your choice
- Max Yardage: 25 yards +/-10%
What is the Youth Advanced Class? (Red Stakes)
- Age 11-16
- Magnification, clarifier, or stabilizers over 12’ in length
- Max Yardage: 40 Yard +/-10% Max
What is the Cub Class? (Yellow Stakes)
- Age 10 and under
- Any bow of your choice
- Shoots from Youth Stake or nearest comfortable distance.